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Entries in Sexual Chocolate (3)


We need you, Jean Grae

This is a public plea to Jean Grae to join our merry band of jheri-curled foolishment that performs on an indeterminate basis, aka The Sexual Chocolate Revue fka The Sexual Chocolate Band & Show. Alumni include Phonte, Zo!, Deborah Bond, Navasha Daya, Lady Alma and more. The band will surely come out of semi-retirement if we can snag Ms. JeanGreasy.

Well, according to her new video for "underneathu", her current ensemble is Jean Grae and The Everybody's Pregnant but we can surely make room for them under our Axel F big tent, as long as Kiki the #BodyRollingFlowerBae and her #soulgifts are part of the deal.

So many of our core values are expressed in this video, including:

- public access television
- wanton bodyrolling
- a vaguely S-curled keyboardist
- a guitarist with a pornstache
- leg meats and fishnets
- a sax solo (Zoot, is that you?)

Join us, Jean Grae. We're made for each other.


Axel F 2nd Anniversary: The Return of Sexual Chocolate, Sat. 1/26

This is how it went down last year.

We're doing it again.

Here's the lineup: 

Dre King: Musical Director


Flashback: Our One Year Anniversary

We think it lived up to the hype. Check the full gallery for more visuals, courtesy of Sneak Shot.

We just wanted to thank everyone who supported us in creating a whole year of crazy fun. And we had to at least equal the dopeness of the commercial that our good friends Exittheapple made for us.

Axel F residents Jahsonic, Adrian Loving and DJ Stylus got our Voltron on as usual.

But if you weren't there, it's hard to describe the delicious foolery created by the Sexual Chocolate Band & Show. Not only were they good sports for agreeing to do this, they got ALL THE WAY into character. Much love to musical director Zo!, vocalists Phonte, Ne'a Posey and Deborah Bond, and the band: Zach Cutler, Malik and Pooh.

We'll be sharing more clips from their blowout performance while we plan even more pageantry for 2012. Just keep coming back to this spot, and  thanks for bodyrolling with us.